iVideo.education is an innovative project that wants to facilitate learning by taking advantage of the possibility of adding interactivity to short video clips

An innovative project
taking advantage of the potential of interactive video to foster learning
A tool
available to trainers to make short interactive video clips in an autonomous way
A didactic method
based on real experience and empirically verified criteria, as well as on principles indicated by the theory
A platform to share
didactic materials created, respecting copyrights
A continuous training offer
to acquire competence in the use of this tool and to discuss with colleagues on the field
Step by step tutorial
with technical and educational support, available to users in the reserved area
"They didn’t watch it like a simple video. They saw it as a tool for discussion. They found it very useful to stop the video, go back to certain sequences, discuss the content, and also add input remotely using the "comments" feature".

Francesco Lubinu
Teacher of operating room techniques, Medical technicia
Centro Professionale Sociosanitario (CPS) Medico-tecnico, Lugano
"Pre-packaged videos are rarely effective in teaching because too much is taken for granted. The videos are based on absolutist assumptions and lack context. They presume that viewers have a certain understanding of politics, the environment, etc. However, our task is precisely to put information in context, adapting and using the video in such a way that facilitates learning".

Giuseppe Boschetti
Teacher of language, communication and society
Centro Professionale Trevano
"For those of us who work in this field, it is much easier to show a given process than to try to explain it. In a manual profession such as ours, people learn through observation. And it is extremely helpful to be able to use a video as a learning tool, particularly a video of a process that is never or rarely filmed. It allows learners to "see" how things unfold. There is also the advantage of being able to add active points to the video to enable discussion, more in-depth explanation of key processes or correlation between practice and theory."

Omar Sassi
Teacher of bodywork techniques
Scuola professionale artigianale e industriale, Bellinzona
"It is a didactic tool that allows students to approach, think about and learn a given technique, to acquire a nursing skill within a context where direct experimentation would not be possible or where experimentation would entail working directly with a patient"

Monja Colugnat-Caruso
Teacher of nursing care
Scuola superiore specializzata in cure infermieristiche, Lugano
"The positive aspect of a video like this is that you can use it in so many different ways, depending on who you are dealing with. You can use it interactively in a computer room. You can use it in the classroom, you can use the entire video or only parts of it, and you can use it for group work."

Laura Menafoglio
Teacher of retail and marketing
Centro Professionale Commerciale, Chiasso
"The interactive video helps young people to become more self-sufficient. They find themselves in front of a computer screen with their headsets and have to "talk" to themselves. They aren’t used to this: they find themselves a bit isolated from their classmates and classroom dynamics and have to handle the various assignments using only their own resources. The possibility of having to manage their own time and resources becomes a new stimulating challenge that they are generally not accustomed to facing."

Andrea Brusa
Teacher of language, communication and society
Centro Professionale Commerciale, Lugano
"Learners all have different rhythms and motivations when undergoing training in the chosen occupation. There is no direct correlation between the amount of personal time and energy devoted to learning and the pace set in the classroom. There are often situations in the classroom where the worst learners "slow" down the progress of the best learners or where the best learners accelerate the pace of lessons. Such cases constitute a democratisation of the learning process."

Luca Dattrino
Teacher of language, communication and society and mediator
Scuola professionale artigianale e industriale, Bellinzona